I was browsing through the book
Organized Simplicity at my favorite book store,
Powells this morning and I was really impressed at Tsh Oxenreider's approach to taking on the messy pieces of our houses. She is calm and collected and has a great sense of humor! So, of course when I got home I had to check out her blog. :)
Simple Mom which is so awesome because it gives you lists and walks you through easy steps to make real progress. She is the real deal. I can only dream of being so on top of everything. I only wish I had seen her site earlier because she is running this great
Project: Simplify which has a new focus area each week!
Tsh Oxenreider
I guess I need to go back and buy the book tomorrow...
Oh good, I'm always looking for ways to simplify things, especially now with a baby! I'm totally going to check her out and that book!